Status SA Div
Name 何麗珍
Office Tel No. .
職稱 Dormitory administrator
負責業務 1. Management of Yun Lai Ji dormitory.
2. Applications for repair of equipment.
3. Evening roll calls, and maintenance of contact.
4. Order maintenance.
5. Management of the delivery of the sick to the hospital.
6. Handling of sudden situation involving resident students.
7. Control of dormitory cleaning work.
8. Dormitory property management.
9. Management of dormitory staff and assignment of duties.
10. Submission of daily dormitory logs and their transfer.
11. Any other duties assigned by the officer-in-charge.
Country School Name Department Degree
省立華南高商 會統科 專科 專科
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
專任 學生事務處 書記(宿舍輔導) 2014.08 ~ Up to today
專任 學生事務處 工友 2011.08 ~ 2014.07
專任 學生事務處 約僱宿舍管理員 2001.09 ~ 2011.07
羽康關係企業 副廠長 1983.07 ~ 2001.09