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The Student Affairs Office (SAO) was set up in accordance with Article 4 of the Constitution of the University.  Services of the SAO cover various aspects of students’ daily life, including their meals, clothing, accommodation, transportation needs and leisure activities.  The SAO comprises three business units, namely, the Life Counseling Section, the Extracurricular Activities Section, and the 
Physical and Mental Health Center. It is hoped that through this webpage, students can have access to the latest news of the SAO and further information on its three business units, including their main services, various approaches, regulations, and relevant forms that can be downloaded.  It is sincerely hoped that our students will be able to complete their academic pursuit and receive holistic education in a healthy and comfortable environment provided by the University.  Dedicated members of the SAO and its units are here to help students to deal with their needs and problems.


类别 标题 张贴日期
最新消息 重要 新北市政府劳工局办理「113年度身心障碍就业促进成果展」
最新消息 重要 「113 年度身心障碍者创业准备辅导及研习」计画
生活辅导组 重要 热门 113学年度大专校院弱势学生助学计画-助学金申请公告(申请时间即日起至10月16日止)
生活辅导组 重要 热门 113学年度新生定向营
生活辅导组 重要 热门
113学年度第1学期就学贷款(新生) 申请公告(113年08月01日开始)
生活辅导组 重要 热门 113学年度第1学期学杂费减免(新生、转学生)申请公告(113年8月1日开始)
生活辅导组 重要 【工读公告】工读系统权限解锁申请事宜
生活辅导组 重要 热门
113学年度第1学期就学贷款(旧生、转学生) 申请公告(113年08月01日开始)
生活辅导组 重要 热门 113学年度第1学期学杂费减免(旧生)申请公告(113年6月26日开始)
最新消息 重要 热门 【恭贺】佛光大学许鹤龄学务长荣获2024第十二届星云教育奖-典范教师奖
最新消息 重要 热门
最新消息 重要