Status | SA Div |
Name | Chuang,Lu-Shun |
Office Tel No. | 11215 |
職稱 | Project Assistant |
負責業務 | Title:Military Training Instructor 1. Agent for handling national service and cadet officer trainee applications by students. 2. Agent for handling the education side of military training and national service term reduction or off-set applications. 3. ROTC recruitment. 4. Agent for handling the recruitment exercise of the national army, the publicity of combat camps recruitment, and enrolment thereof. 5. Agent for handling country-wide national defence education, submission of outlines of annual lectures, and thesis writing business. 6. Counselling officer of the School of Social Sciences and Management. 7. Assisting in off-campus living (in rented accommodation) counselling, inspection and visiting. 8. Handling of emergency cases involving student safety . 9. Any other duties assigned by the officer-in-charge. Office: A205 |