
SA Div

  • 職稱 : Dormitory administrator
  • Name : 楊岑方
  • Office Tel No. : .
  • Email :
  • 負責業務 : 1. Management of Lin Mei Liao dormitory. 2. Applications for repair of equipment. 3. Evening roll calls, and maintenance of contact. 4. Order maintenance. 5. Management of the delivery of the sick to the hospital. 6. Handling of sudden situation involving resident students. 7. Control of dormitory cleaning work. 8. Dormitory property management. 9. Management of dormitory staff and assignment of duties. 10. Submission of daily dormitory logs and their transfer. 11. Any other duties assigned by the officer-in-charge.
  • 職稱 : Dormitory administrator
  • Name : Fan,Fu Feng
  • Office Tel No. : 03-9871000#9
  • Email :
  • 職稱 : Dormitory administrator
  • Name : 王乘十
  • Office Tel No. : .
  • Email :

EA Div

  • 職稱 : Head
  • Name : 張煜麟
  • Office Tel No. : 11220,23719
  • Email :
  • 職稱 : Assistant
  • Name : 蕭蓉 Xiao,Rong
  • Office Tel No. : 11226
  • Email :
  • 負責業務 : 1. Handling student loan applications, and scrutiny and approval thereof.
    2. Formulation of plans for the promotion of moral character building education and Sprout schooling (深耕學校) by tertiary institutions subsidized by the Ministry of Education, its implementation and results review.
    3. Implementation of Academic Affairs Department's projects on Teaching Excellence and Higher Education Sprout Project, and review of its results.
    4. Selection of goodwill ambassadors, their management, training, service and activities.
    5. Management and updating of Student Affairs Office’s webpage.
    6. Any other duties assigned by the officer-in-charge.
  • 職稱 : Project Assistant
  • Name : 羅雲嘉 Lo
  • Office Tel No. : 11221
  • Email :
  • 負責業務 : 1.Indigenous Student Resource Center Project. 
    2.Indigenous Student Counselling. 
    3.Scholarship information for Indigenous Student
    4.Tutor Friendship Club, College of Humanities Student Association .
    5.Graduation Ceremony; Week of Multicultural; Christmas Events. 
    ​6.Any other duties assigned by the officer-in-charge. 

    Deputy:C Y Yang
  • 職稱 : Project Assistant
  • Name : 楊鈞任 Yang
  • Office Tel No. : 11223
  • Email :
  • 負責業務 : 1.輔導佛教學系系學會、服務性社團。

    1.Coundel to Buddhist Students Student Association,.
    2.School Anthem and Three good deeds song Competition,.
    3.Part Time Job Management of Extracurricular Activity Division.
    4.Management of Facilities and Activity Assets, Site Rental Management.
    5.Any other duties assigned by the officer-in-charge

    Deputy: Lo Yun Chia​

Physical and Mental Health Center

  • 職稱 : Director
  • Name : 黃國彰
  • Office Tel No. : 11240
  • Email :
  • 職稱 : Consultation Psychologist
  • Name : 曾昭源
  • Office Tel No. : 11247
  • Email :
  • 負責業務 : 1.Individual and group counseling. 2.Handling of crisis cases. 3.Psycological evaluation. 4.Class counseling. 5.Intern psychologist supervisor. 6.Promoting university mental health. Office: A205-1
  • 職稱 : Consultation Psychologist
  • Name : 莊瑞玲
  • Office Tel No. : 11245
  • Email :