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    The Student Affairs Office (SAO) was set up in accordance with Article 4 of the Constitution of the University.  Services of the SAO cover various aspects of students’ daily life, including their meals, clothing, accommodation, transportation needs and leisure activities.  The SAO comprises three business units, namely, the Life Counseling Section, the Extracurricular Activities Section, and the 
    Physical and Mental Health Center. It is hoped that through this webpage, students can have access to the latest news of the SAO and further information on its three business units, including their main services, various approaches, regulations, and relevant forms that can be downloaded.  It is sincerely hoped that our students will be able to complete their academic pursuit and receive holistic education in a healthy and comfortable environment provided by the University.  Dedicated members of the SAO and its units are here to help students to deal with their needs and problems.


    類別 標題 張貼日期
    生活輔導組 重要 熱門 梅雨季節來臨,注意行車安全標題
    校外活動訊息 重要 熱門 【校外工讀】苗栗縣政府公部門暑期工讀計畫
    生活輔導組 重要 熱門
    校外活動訊息 重要 熱門 【校外工讀】慶寶勤勞社福慈善基金會-2024暑期工讀計畫
    最新消息 重要 熱門 113年申請優先入營或延緩入營公告
    校外活動訊息 重要 熱門 【校外工讀】113年花蓮縣政府公部門工讀計畫
    最新消息 重要 熱門 農業部獎勵農漁民子女就學要點
    生活輔導組 重要 熱門 【租屋詐騙預防公告】預付訂金優先看房等詐騙手法
    生活輔導組 重要 熱門 【公告】113學年度學生宿舍申請暨抽籤作業公告
    最新消息 重要
    最新消息 重要
    113 年港都盃全國身心障礙匹克球邀請賽
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