身心健康中心為協助學生增進自我之認識,發展學生對於課業、生活、情感、環境適應的能力,在這裡我們聘有專業諮商心理師協助釐清迷惑、矛盾之問題,並購置相關之心輔圖書、心理測驗工具供學生使用,同時亦定期辦理各項輔導講座進行團體諮商活動。In order to help students improve their self-understanding and develop their ability to adapt to schoolwork, life, emotions, and the environment, the Physical and Mental Health Center here employs professional psychologists to help clarify confusing and contradictory issues, and purchase relevant psychological support books, Psychological testing tools are available for students to use, and various counseling seminars and group consultation activities are also held regularly.