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Student Health Check

​Instructions for the implementation of the health examination for freshmen in 2019 year.

Instructions for the implementation of the 2019 freshman entrance health examination for Fo Guang University
1. According to: According to the Ministry of Education, "School Health Law" and other relevant laws and regulations.
2. Purpose: In order to understand the general health situation of the freshmen entering our school and the health status of special diseases, we can find shortcomings, prevent, counsel and treat as soon as possible, and prevent infectious diseases to protect students' health.
3. Targets: All freshmen and freshmen in our school should complete the medical examination according to the regulations at the time of admission.
4. Examination contents: general physical examination, physical examination, urine examination, routine blood examination, biochemical blood examination, chest X-ray examination, etc.
5. Date: September 2, 108 (Monday). (Including bachelor's degree, master's degree, master's degree in-service special class, doctoral class and transfer students of various departments)
6. Undertaking hospital: Taipei Hongen General Hospital.
7. Registration location: Room 109, Yunqi Building, Foguang University.
8. Examination fee: NT $ 590 per person, the hospital staff will be charged on the spot during the examination.
Those who submit the low-income household certification documents within the validity period of the current year on the day of the medical examination (must have the student identification information), and those who have been examined and approved by the hospital, can be exempted from the medical examination fee.
9. the inspection schedule of each department:

(Including bachelor's degree, master's degree, master's on-the-job special class, doctoral class and transfer students of various departments, except freshmen
Freshmen, please follow the schedule of the health examinations for each department scheduled by the 108 New Year Orientation Counseling Center.

Health examination time Department of Health Inspection Health examination time Department of Health Inspection
08:00-09:00 Department of Communication, Department of Sociology and Social Work 11:00-12:00 Department of Information Application, Department of Psychology, Department of Future and LOHAS Industry
09:00-10:00 Department of Management, Department of Product and Media Design 13:00-14:00 Department of Applied Economics, Department of Chinese Literature and Applied Studies, Department of Buddhist Studies
10:00-11:00 Department of Cultural Assets and Creativity, Department of Public Affairs, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature 14:00-15:00 Department of History, Institute of Religious Studies, Department of Health and Creative Vegetable Food Industry
  • Medical check-in procedures (check-in location is in Class 109, Yunqi Building).
For example, the registration time of the Department of Management is from 08:50 to 10:00; the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature is from 09:50 to 11:00.
Those who fail to register after the time limit will be opened for 30-45 minutes (for example, 09: 30-09: 45, 10: 30-10: 45) for those who fail to register after the time limit.
10. Matters needing attention:
(1) Please be sure to bring your ID card, a 2-inch photo (name, student number, department) on the back, or a 2-inch photo electronic file for submission and upload during medical examination
(2) Before the new health check, please fill in the basic information of the health information card at the following website to facilitate the health check operation. The steps are as follows:

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1.線上填寫-登入(手機or電腦) 。 2.選擇學校與填入身分證字號
3.線上填寫健康資料卡基本資料。 4.填寫完成產生個人條碼
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星期一至五   上午08:00〜10:30  下午 13:00〜15:30
星期六   上午08:00〜10:30
〈1〉體檢報告需為108年6月1日起之報告,檢查當日請持「佛光大學 學生健康資料卡」【表格請先自行上網下載,下載方式請看第〈4〉點】及2吋照片1張至醫院辦理健康檢查。資料卡上所列之項目均須完成,並由體檢醫院將體檢報告填至「佛光大學 學生健康資料卡」,須加蓋醫院官防及相片騎缝章。
〈3〉完成之佛光大學 學生健康資料卡及體檢報告,請於辦理註冊程序時,繳交至健康中心(雲起樓103室)。