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Resource classroom


The University has set up the Resource Classroom for Students with Disabilities in 月份,年份, in order to integrate related resources and to provide them to students with the Disability Card due to visual, hearing, and physical disabilities.


 Life Guidance:

Host transition conferences and parent-teacher meetings upon student’s enrollment, in order to have the needs of students with disabilities tailored, and to provide them with assistance regarding campus life and academics, by inviting departmental counselor, senior high school guidance officer, and teacher.

Devise individualized support plans to each student every semester, to help them excel in class and enjoy life on campus.


 Curricular Guidance:

Provide individualized assistance based on students’ weak subjects and needs, such as note takers, interpreter, learning aids, after class assistance, and various related resources.


 Career Guidance:

Invite alumni or relevant career guidance professionals to share information through face-to-face forums, or assist students with disabilities prepare themselves for workplace through group activities with departmental counselors and through student discussions. The Classroom also provides career planning services and transition services, to assist students receive ongoing professional services and relevant information.


Psychological Counseling:

Host interpersonal, gender, career and other related mental health activities and regularly check up on students’ physical and mental health; should special needs arise, departmental counselor will be contacted or individual counseling service will be arranged.



Various equipment and resources are available to students, including laptops, tablets, desktop computers, fax machine, photocopier, printers, video recorder, digital camera, CD player, MP3 player, and videos, books, and other materials.